Charging the future with the energy of knowledge!
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    Стати фахівцем у сфері енергетичного менеджменту та енергоефективності

    Обирай престижну освітню програму на кафедрі електропостачання! Ми готуємо спеціалістів, здатних розв'язувати сучасні енергетичні виклики та створювати рішення для енергоефективного майбутнього.

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    Поглиблене навчання від провідних фахівців галузі

    Викладачі з багаторічним досвідом та спеціалісти галузі забезпечують найвищий рівень знань та практики. Проходь стажування на виробництвах і отримуй реальний досвід для успішної кар’єри!

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    Розширюй можливості разом із КПІ

    Унікальні дисципліни, вибіркові курси англійською, наукові гуртки та сертифікати з енергоаудиту – це тільки початок! Отримуй фундаментальні знання та здобувай конкурентні переваги на міжнародному ринку.

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Welcome to the Power Supply Department!

We work on future technologies for reliable and efficient energy

Our department is a hub of modern education and scientific research in the fields of energy saving, energy management, intelligent power supply systems, and renewable energy sources. We train highly qualified specialists to the highest global standards, capable of designing and implementing innovative energy solutions.

Bachelor's training

The educational and professional program "Energy Management and Energy-Efficient Technologies" is aimed at training specialists for all areas of the electric power industry, capable of designing and operating intelligent energy systems.

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Master's training

The educational and scientific master's programs prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of electric power engineering. Students gain knowledge about the processes of energy transmission and management, as well as the development of innovative energy systems.

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Academic mobility

Academic mobility provides an opportunity to study abroad at leading European universities, gaining international experience and education. Through these programs, students expand their professional horizons.

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Postgraduate readings named after Professor Artur Prakhovnyk.

On April 12, 2023, post-graduate readings named after Professor Artur Prakhovnyk dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the founding of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute were held. .

As part of the program of postgraduate readings, 2 sections were held:

Section 1. Power engineering, electrical engineering, electromechanics

Section 2. Geoengineering

This event was attended by 25 post-graduate students of NN IEE KPI named after Igor Siokorsky. At the relevant PhD sections, students presented the results of their scientific research.

The program of the event can be found at the link.

We invite international students for study and fruitful cooperation.

Department of power supply invites international students for study and fruitful cooperation. Department trains specialists for electric and fuel power complexes, civil engineering works and environmental protection. Graduates are capable of developing, designing and operating energy complexes and systems and creating modern energy saving systems of eco-friendly energy management.
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Why study with us?

  1. Our students receive the most advanced profession.
  2. We train leading industry experts.
  3. Education on Master's degree abroad.
  4. The most advanced laboratories..
  5. Recreation centers in Kherson and the Carpathians.