Postgraduate and doctoral studies are preparatory forms of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification. Department of electricity provides training in postgraduate study on specialties:
05.09.03 Electrotechnical complexes and systems
05.14.01 Power systems and complexes
You can find an information about conditions for admission to doctorate on the department of postgraduate and doctoral NTUU”KPI” named Igor Sikorsky website..
Training at the graduate and doctoral studies is carried out:
- By:
- State Budget of Ukraine - on public order to work in the public sector of the national economy.
- Funds of legal entities and individuals - on contract conditions - to work in the public and private sectors of the national economy.
- foreigners and stateless persons on the basis of:
- international treaties of Ukraine
- national programs
- contracts, that are entered into by universities, scientific institutions and legal and natural persons.