Conception of digital substations in both key components of smart grids SMART GRID

Conception of digital substations in both key components of smart grids SMART GRID
Matveyev S.U.
Date of presentation
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Pobihaylo V. A.

The work consists of an introduction, four chapters and conclusions set out in 129 pages of typewritten text, contains 24 figure and 9 tables. List of used literature contains 31 names and presented on 3 pages. The objective of the study is to develop the overall concept of building hardware and software digital substation distribution grids; defining the basic requirements to be met by a new generation substation; made comparative analysis of traditional digital substations; restore economic feasibility of building settlements GCHQ. The object of study - digital substation, an object of study - the principle of its construction as part of the electrical system. Technical targets for the design of digital substation distribution company, the basic technical decisions and requirements to be met by emerging plants made economic assessment and implemented by innovative solutions "Digital substation." These modern an analyzed options, which will reduce the initial cost of its installation and will reduce maintenance costs substations. Technical targets for the design of digital substation distribution companies, which will enable providing DS. Comparative analysis of traditional and digital substations, which reflects the appropriateness reconstruction of existing substations and replacement of equipment and construction of new ones, using modern digital equipment. The work will take stock of the economic situation of the facility and to implementing ways of implementation. Key words: digital substation, electrical power system, intellectual electric network Smart Grid, IEC 61850, relay protection and emergency control, automated system of commercial accounting of electric energy, economic estimate.