Yuri Chuyko


Yuri Chuyko

Engineer project management of CNGS Group

Graduated  the Institute for Energy Saving and Energy gor
Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute in 2011, specialty "electrical power system".

Since graduation, till today I have been developing systems to power of the chemical and oil industry. To my specialty engineering work in this area is an interesting presence at each facility, the projected large number of consumers with  variety of features and modes, and always high-quality financing such projects, all technical solutions are implemented using advanced technology and better equipment, and high price is never a barrier to implementation. But perhaps we should start from the beginning.

Even while working on a thesis project, I joined the Design Institute Ltd. "Institute of Chemical Engineering Design" in Severodonetsk. It was not difficult, because the work was to much and its volume is constantly growing, so many companies actively involved young professionals without experience, and to date, as far as I know, the situation has not changed, and graduates in major organizations, there are many proposals employment.

Company engaged in the development of responsible, explosive objects, errors in calculation or technical solutions such projects can have very serious consequences, since the first months of course had to learn the specific construction of electricity networks in this field, or any "real" work. Having the desire and being most of the time in a professional environment, make it very real. Of course, training and expand their competencies - process of continuous and endless, but as it turned out, could manifest itself in a relatively simple model projects. To do this just to analyze modes of operation and features of a developed object and make it convenient for installation, maintenance and future expansion, and most importantly, troubleshooting. In practice, it is quite rare, so thoughtful technical solutions quickly and efficiently start to allocate certain specialist with a large number of his colleagues.

Next time my work began with the return to Kyiv, when I got into the project directorate international group of companies CNGS Group. Basically, the company is EPIC-contracts (detailed engineering, procurement, transportation, installation, commissioning and commissioning) for the construction of offshore oil and gas platforms. In making technical solutions for these objects, things, added other very important conditions such as corrosion protection, minimizing the weight and dimensions. And added new responsibilities related to the fact that many individual modules and systems are developed and supplied by other companies from all over the world from Norway to Australia, their solution also must be checked for errors and technical requirements, to issue comments and observations .

During my work, I had to work as a contractor on the side, the partner and the customer side, with many firms technically developed countries. As a result, I have come to confess, to my surprise, but a pleasant conclusion that the competence and quality of my Ukrainian colleagues no lower than foreign counterparts. In turn, this means that our university professors like me were in during their studies at the Department of electrical Institute of Energy and Energy were able to prepare professionals whose expertise is recognized as corresponding to international standards, and services in demand worldwide.
