Charging the future with the energy of knowledge!
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    Стати фахівцем у сфері енергетичного менеджменту та енергоефективності

    Обирай престижну освітню програму на кафедрі електропостачання! Ми готуємо спеціалістів, здатних розв'язувати сучасні енергетичні виклики та створювати рішення для енергоефективного майбутнього.

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    Поглиблене навчання від провідних фахівців галузі

    Викладачі з багаторічним досвідом та спеціалісти галузі забезпечують найвищий рівень знань та практики. Проходь стажування на виробництвах і отримуй реальний досвід для успішної кар’єри!

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    Розширюй можливості разом із КПІ

    Унікальні дисципліни, вибіркові курси англійською, наукові гуртки та сертифікати з енергоаудиту – це тільки початок! Отримуй фундаментальні знання та здобувай конкурентні переваги на міжнародному ринку.

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Welcome to the Power Supply Department!

We work on future technologies for reliable and efficient energy

Our department is a hub of modern education and scientific research in the fields of energy saving, energy management, intelligent power supply systems, and renewable energy sources. We train highly qualified specialists to the highest global standards, capable of designing and implementing innovative energy solutions.

Bachelor's training

The educational and professional program "Energy Management and Energy-Efficient Technologies" is aimed at training specialists for all areas of the electric power industry, capable of designing and operating intelligent energy systems.

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Master's training

The educational and scientific master's programs prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of electric power engineering. Students gain knowledge about the processes of energy transmission and management, as well as the development of innovative energy systems.

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Academic mobility

Academic mobility provides an opportunity to study abroad at leading European universities, gaining international experience and education. Through these programs, students expand their professional horizons.

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Congratulations to Denys Derevyanko on the successful doctoral dissertation!

On January 16, 2025, during the meeting of the specialized academic council D 26.002.20 at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute," the public defense of the dissertation by Derevyanko Denys Hryhorovych took place. The dissertation, titled "Development of Scientific Principles for Optimal Interaction of Distributed Energy Resources in Local Power Systems," was submitted for Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.14.01 – Energy Systems and Complexes.

We congratulate Denys Hryhorovych on this significant achievement and wish him career growth and further scientific accomplishments!

Students of the department participated in the 9th National Conference of Young Energy Professionals (OKME) in Poland

On November 18-19, 2024, the Department of Power Supply students Yana BOSENKO, Anastasiia KHORENKO, Yuliia ONYSHCHENKO, and Elizaveta TUPOTINA participated in the 9th National Conference of Young Energy Professionals (OKME), held at the Innovation Center of Warsaw University of Technology. This event, organized by the Scientific Circle of Energy Engineers at Warsaw University of Technology, is the only one of its kind in Poland, bringing together representatives of leading energy institutions, companies, and young researchers.

The Department of Power Supply congratulates the students on their participation in such a prestigious event and wishes them further success in their research and professional endeavors!

Teachers and students of the Department attended a webinar on the topic 'Energy Management in Wartime Conditions: Opportunities and Prospects for Ukraine's Industry'

On November 12, 2024, teachers and students of the Department of Power Supply attended a webinar on the topic "Energy Management in Wartime Conditions: Opportunities and Prospects for Ukraine's Industry." The event was organized by the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) with the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO Ukraine) project "Implementation of the Energy Management Systems Standard in Ukraine’s Industry."

Faculty Members of the Department Actively Involved in Implementing the Autonomous Power Supply System for the University Library

Another significant step toward the university's energy independence has been achieved — an autonomous power supply system has been installed on the premises of the H. I. Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library. This system ensures uninterrupted operation during emergency and stabilization power outages. A solar power station with an energy storage system has been installed on the library building’s roof.

Professors of the Department Conducted a Webinar for Educators in the Professional Fields of "Metalworking Industry" and "Electrical Engineering Industry"

On November 6, 2024, lecturers from the Department of Power Supply conducted a webinar for educators in the professional fields of "Metalworking Industry" and "Electrical Engineering Industry" on the topic: "Formation and Development of Energy-Efficient and Energy-Saving Competencies in Skilled Workers for Effective Execution of Repair and Construction Work."

The webinar aimed to enhance the qualifications of vocational education instructors in developing educational content related to the competencies of "Energy Efficiency," "Energy Saving," and "Energy Management."

We invite you to join the national project "Energy Efficiency Week 2024"!

We are preparing for a large-scale event dedicated to energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and sustainable development! Very soon you will be able to dive into the world of innovative solutions that change our future.

Date: December 9-13, 2024

Format: live (Kyiv) and online

Waiting for you:

  • Press briefing dedicated to the start of the project
  • Conference "Energy of partnership: investments, innovations in the field of energy efficiency for communities"
  • Dialogue platform "Housing reform: the path to an energy-efficient future of Ukraine"
  • Conference "Scientific approach: new standards of comfort and efficiency"
  • Workshop "Artificial intelligence in energy efficiency for communities"
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  2. We train leading industry experts.
  3. Education on Master's degree abroad.
  4. The most advanced laboratories..
  5. Recreation centers in Kherson and the Carpathians.