Selection of the best options of distributed generation with the introduction of multi-criteria decision-making algorithms

Selection of the best options of distributed generation with the introduction of multi-criteria decision-making algorithms
Spodynska A.V
Date of presentation
PhD, Associate Professor
Vladimir Popov

Dissertation on the competition of qualification of research engineer on the specialty 8.05070103 – electrotechnical systems of electricity consumption. – National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, 2016. This dissertation is devoted to solving the important scientific and applied problem of developing theoretical principles of distribution systems with distributed generation sources construction. Іn the dissertation, the following problems were explored and solved: determination of the usage conditions for distributed generation sources to minimize power and energy losses in 0.38 - 110 kV electrical networks; improve the quality and reliability of electric power, the choice of methods to adapt the parameters of the basic means of voltage regulation. Keywords: distribution networks, electrical loads, electrical energy losses, power quality, reliability of power supply, distributed generation, multicriteria comparison of alternatives.