Work on obtaining a master's degree in the specialty 8.05070108 – "Energy
Management". – National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute", Kiev, 2016.
Master's thesis is devoted to the substantiation of theoretical,
methodological and practical ways of organizational and economic mechanism of
realization of bioenergy potential of the agricultural sector.
In the master's work produced new science-based theoretical results on the
efficient use of local energy sources, taking into account the specific features of
production in the agricultural sector. Evaluate the effects of the introduction of
biotechnology capabilities, the ability to use different types of local sources of
energy for power supply of the proposed facilities, depending on the desired
The state of, trends and strategy of development of the domestic
Energy, made assessment of energy equipment, energy intensity of production and
productivity in the agricultural sector, installed features, factors and priorities for
the development of rural energy.
Analyze the current meteorological database implementation possibilities
of biotechnology, the use of local energy sources in terms of power consumption
of existing regimes, as well as to meet the specific needs of facilities.
The analysis of international experience and biotechnology development
trends and analysis of the potential use of such energy sources in Ukraine on the
basis of which proved the feasibility of the use of biotechnologies in the generation
on the basis of the activities of local agricultural enterprises.
The problems for the creation of mathematical models and methods of
determination and substantiation of technical and economic efficiency of the
dispersion generation systems.
A method for determining the economic efficiency of dispersed
biogeneration on the basis of local energy sources, taking into consideration saving
money when they are used, as well as additional funds from the sale of electric
energy on a green tariff.
The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of
used literature. The total volume of the thesis is 117 pages, including 22 tables, 15
pictures, list of used literature sources of the 45 items on the bibliographic
reference list.
Keywords: local sources of energy, agriculture, biogeneration, c rop
production, animal husbandry, bio-energy, energy efficiency, energy security,
waste, green rate, payback period.
Power supply facilities agro-industrial complex with use of local energy resources
Date of presentation