use of alternative energy sources
The work on competition of a Master’s degree on a speciality 8.05070108 -«Energy managament». National technical university of Ukraine «Kiev
polytechnical institute», Kiev, 2016.
Master's thesis is devoted to the further development of models and modes
of controls power consumption through the use of alternative energy sources.
In the master's work produced new scientific results justified the theoretical
solutions important problem of power consumption mode control. Evaluate the
effect of combination of centralized and local energy systems in the field of
alternative energy sources.
The current state of CES of Ukraine, the use of renewable energy sources
in terms of the existing regimes of power consumption, as well as the problematic
issues that arise in their integration into the distribution network. A comprehensive
analysis of the world experience and trends in the development of hydrogen
energy, on the basis of which proved the feasibility of the use of means of
distributed generation based on fuel cells and identified the principal criteria for
their construction for the conditions of Ukraine.
The problems for a number of methods for determining the optimal forms
of organization of the DG on the basis of hydrogen fuel cells.
Using data on the energy potential of hydrogen fuel cells, determined the
level of their performance on individual electricity consumers.
On the basis of multi-criteria mathematical analysis carried out by the
ranking of alternative energy generation technologies for cer tain segments of
An algorithm for determining the cost-effectiveness, given the combination
of factors of different nature and based on the recommendations on the priority
energy generation technologies for certain electricity consumers.
Keywords: schedule of electrical loads, fuel cell, consumer groups,
integral index, cluster, power management, fuzzy sets theory, criterion.