
New equipment for power supply systems laboratory

In cooperation with the company "NIK-electronics" department got modern power voltage for laboratory research. This unit will be used in the laboratory of electricity.

It is planned to equip the bench for the study of thyristor stabilizers volt additional type, which will conduct laboratory work to prepare students who study in "Electricity, electronics and electrical engineering."

Department staff would like to thank the management of the company "NIK-electronics" for helping to improve material and technical base of the department, which will enable joint efforts to increase the quality of training in the field of power and energy efficiency in modern electrical equipment, as well as ensure the development of innovation.

Electrical apparatus laboratory

Electrical apparatus Laboratory is a specialized audience electricity department number 211

В лабораторії студентами напрямку підготовки «Електротехніка та електротехнології» виконуються лабораторні роботи та лабораторні практикуми з двох основних дисциплін:

  • Електричні станції та підстанції. Частина ІІ.
  • Електричні апарати.

Electricity consumers laboratory

In the "Electricity Consumers " laboratory, students get acquainted with the means and settings of devices convert electrical energy into other forms for its use. There is some  difference between electricity that produce mechanical energy in engines and electrotechnological consumers that convert electrical energy into other forms. We can  Identify electrical and technical and economic parameters of devices and systems.