The project meeting of representatives of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (IEE) of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky and the Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences (FTNSMS) of the University College of Southeast Norway (USN) took place during the period from November 18 till November 25, 2017. The meeting was held in the campus of Porsgrunn within the framework of the joint project "Norwegian – Ukrainian cooperation on research based education in innovative sustainable and energy efficient systems" (ID: CPEA-LT-2016/10044) between the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute" and the University College of Southeast Norway.
The purpose of the meeting was to meet the goals and objectives of the project "Norwegian – Ukrainian cooperation on research based education in innovative sustainable and energy efficient systems" (ID: CPEA-LT-2016/10044) on the development and improvement of the English PhD course for the 3-th cycle of training, which will be taught in the IEE KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.
From the Ukrainian side, the participants of the meeting were the Director of the IEE Professor Sergii Denysiuk; the Ukrainian project coordinator Associate Professor of the Power Supply Department of the IEE Strelkova Halyna; the Head of the Power Supply Department of the IEE Associate Professor Mykola Fedosenko; Associate Professor of the Power Supply Department of the IEE Myroslav Strelkov.
From the Norwegian side, the participants of the meeting were the Dean of the FTNSMS Professor Morten Melaaen; the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technologies and Cybernetics of the FTNSMS Professor Svein Hagen; the Norwegian project coordinator Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technologies and Cybernetics of the FTNSMS Carlos Pfeiffer; Professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technologies and Cybernetics of the FTNSMS Burnt Lie; Professor of the Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology of the FTNSMS Lars-Andre Tokheim.
During the project meeting a number of scientific and educational seminars were held on the subject:
- Data Analysis and Innovative Sustainable & Energy Efficient Systems. Date: 21.11.2017; venue: USN, Porsgrunn, Norway;
- Norwegian – Ukrainian Cooperation on the Development of the PhD program. Date: 22.11.2017; venue: USN, Porsgrunn, Norway;
- Electricity Market: System Approach & System Thinking. Date: Nov 23.11.2017; venue: USN, Porsgrunn, Norway.
Also, during the discussion, each of the parties provided suggestions for a new postgraduate training program and joint courses taught in English to enhance the curriculum programs of masters and postgraduate students. Suggestions were provided for increasing the transfer of knowledge between the universities, in particular through joint management of scientific works and dissertations, and the preparation of joint publications of scientific research results in the field of innovative-sustainable and energy efficient systems.
According to the results of the project meeting, it was decided that in order to enhance the transfer of knowledge for the implementation of the objectives of the project "Norwegian – Ukrainian cooperation on research based education in innovative sustainable and energy efficient systems” (ID: CPEA-LT-2016/10044) as well as for facilitating the academic mobility of the teaching staff of both universities there will be provided the reading of guest lectures taught in English by two lecturers from each of the two faculties under the ERASMUS + program and with supporting of the project ID: CPEA-LT-2016/10044 in March-May 2018.
Note: In 2018, the University College of Southeast Norway received the status of the University of Southeast Norway.
Author: M. Strelkov