Energy supply system for wood-processing facility with the fuel cell power unit

Energy supply system for wood-processing facility with the fuel cell power unit
Blizniuk Y.
Date of presentation
Ph.D. Kostiuk Vasily Osipovich

Dissertation on the competition of master’s degree of technical sciences on the specialty 8.05070103 – energy systems and complexes – National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, 2016.
In the dissertation presents the practical aspects of modes of estimates the technical and economic performance of new electricity generating installations using fuel cells on the basis of the weighted average (normalized) cost of production - the conditions for their functioning, the laws of Ukraine. Reviewed by economic indicators and separate joint production of electricity and heat using reduction and replacement in case of natural gas to synthetic fuel. Chosen a rational configuration of the energy supply system through the use fuel cell by calculating the daily consumption energy of woodworking enterprise. Chosen a rational technological modes in order to improve energy efficiency facility.
Key words: сombined production of energy, fuel cells, clean production, life-cycle model, the cumulative cash flow, normalized cost of energy