Department of electrical supply — charging the future with the energy of knowledge!



Postgraduate and doctoral studies are preparatory forms of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification. Department of electricity provides training in postgraduate study on specialties:

05.09.03 Electrotechnical complexes and systems

05.14.01 Power systems and complexes

You can find an information about conditions for admission to doctorate on the department of postgraduate and doctoral NTUU”KPI” named Igor Sikorsky website..

The Selection Committee

Location  of the selection committee of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy, which provides reception of documents for admission to the department of electricity supply:

Kyiv,  Polytechnic Street 14, Building 16, Room 125.

The nearest public transport - stop "Polova Street"  of the speed tram number 1 and number 3.

Phone number: 099 201-82-66; 093 186-27-46


Presentation of the department

Department of power supply of IEE NTUU "KPI" - leading department of Ukraine in the following areas: energy efficiency, energy management, power, construction and management of modern electric power systems based on the principles of intellectual power (the concept of "Smart home", "Smart city", "Smart Grid"), integrated use of alternative and renewable energy sources.

Admission for Bachelors (on the basis of junior specialist diploma)

Кафедра електропостачання здійснює підготовку фахівців за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнеми (ОКР) бакалавр за спеціальністю 141 Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка на базі ОКР "молодший спеціаліст". В цьому випадку термін навчання складе 2 роки 10 місяців.

Перелік вступних випробувань:

  • фаховий іспит - математика;
  • фаховий іспит - фізика.

З правилами прийому можна ознайомитися за наступним посиланням: 

Admission for Masters

Master's training at the Department of electricity is based on specialty "Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" in two specializations:

"Power supply systems" from the master's program

  • Intelligent distribution system and power conversion;
  • Smart technology for monitoring and control in power systems;
  • Dispersed power generation systems;
  • Integrated power supply.

"Energy management and energy efficiency" with Master's degree